Tuesday 9 August 2011

Have some respect for an old West Indian Negro...

I love Darcus Howe. I used to watch and listen to him when he fronted Channel 4's 'Devil's Advocate'. A very wise man. In keeping with the BBC interview conducted with Jody Mcintyre - once again the interviewer adopts a 'we want to speak to you but we don't want to hear what you have to say' approach. I'm glad Darcus referred to her as an idiot. Her attempt to portray him as a former rioter was simply grotesque. I note also that she failed to get his name right - 'Marcus Dowe' she calls him several times...terrific journalism from the BBC (Not).


  1. Dammit, all I've got is a blank square where the vid oughta be.

  2. Correct that! I refreshed the page and it came in!

  3. That "journalist" should be fired instantly. She's ignorant and rude, and obviously has an agenda. I'm glad he called her on it. What a shameful display.

  4. I believe the BBC have realised she went too far - they issued a public apology. I read that on the Huffington Post somewhere.

